1. DNS/OpenResolver

1.1. public DNS


All the public nameservers https://public-dns.info/

This database contains public DNS Servers that are reachable by IPv4 or IPv6. Currently there are 71,464 Nameservers from 193 countries in the database.

The most exhaustive list of reliable DNS resolvers https://github.com/trickest/resolvers



Japan IP Address Ranges https://lite.ip2location.com/japan-ip-address-ranges?lang=en_US

1.2. 探索

アクセス可能な範囲からの/探索 JAPAN-INET-BLOCK1 JP 1 JAPAN150 JP 1 JAPAN150 JP 1

1.3. DNSリフレクション攻撃

DNS Open Resolvers Report LAST UPDATED: 2023-02-20 https://www.shadowserver.org/what-we-do/network-reporting/dns-open-resolvers-report/

This report identifies DNS servers that have the potential to be used in DNS amplification attacks by malicious actors that wish to perform denial of service attacks.

dig +short @[ip] dnsscan.shadowserver.org

1.4. history


This table shows the number of known open resolvers for each autonomous system as of Fri May 13 06:00:00 UTC 2016.

JPNIC オープンリゾルバ(Open Resolver)に対する注意喚起 最終更新 2014年7月25日 https://www.nic.ad.jp/ja/dns/openresolver/

MoinQ: DNS/OpenResolver (last edited 2023-11-27 07:31:59 by ToshinoriMaeno)