

registrar の変更が禁止されている。(森下さんによると、レジストラロック・移転禁止だと。)

This status code prevents your domain from being transferred from your current registrar to another. 
It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal or other disputes, 
at your request, or when a redemptionPeriod status is in place.

This status may indicate an issue with your domain that needs to be addressed promptly.
You should contact your registrar to request more information and resolve the issue. 

If your domain does not have any issues, and you simply want to transfer it to another registrar, you must first contact your registrar and request more information and resolve the issue.

If your domain does not have any issues, and you simply want to transfer it to another registrar, you must first contact your registrar and request that they work with the Registry Operator to remove this status code.

Alternatively, some Registry Operators offer a Registry Lock Service that allows registrants, through their registrars
to set this status as an extra protection against unauthorized transfers. 

Removing this status can take longer than it does for clientTransferProhibited 
because your registrar has to forward your request to your domain's registry and 
wait for them to lift the restriction.

MoinQ: watchNS/ (last edited 2021-04-08 12:50:16 by ToshinoriMaeno)