
1. Limits for sending & getting mail

1.1. How to fix the problem

Look at the reasons below to learn how to prevent seeing these messages in the future.

Note: If you use your Gmail account through your work, school, or other organization, learn about Gmail sending limits through work or school.

1.2. "You have reached a limit for sending mail"

You may see this message if you send an email to a total of more than 500 recipients
 in a single email and or more than 500 emails sent in a day.

When you get this error, you should be able to send emails again within 1 to 24 hours.

To prevent this from happening in the future,
try creating a Google Group of all your email recipients and 
sending the message to that group's email address.

1.3. "Messages you sent couldn't be delivered"

You might see this error if a large number of emails you send:

    Can't be delivered because the recipient's email address is invalid
    Bounce from the recipient's email server

You may be able to send emails again after 24 hours.

To prevent this from happening in the future, check your recipient's' email addresses before sending to make sure they're up to date.

1.4. A contact is getting too much mail

If someone you’re sending mail to is getting too many emails too fast, you might see this message:

"The user you are trying to contact is receiving mail at a rate that prevents additional messages from being delivered."

You’ll need to contact the person another way.

Learn about accounts that limit how many emails a person can get.
Prevent your emails from being blocked by Gmail

If you send many emails at a time or to large groups, learn how to prevent mail to Gmail users from being blocked.

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MoinQ: Gmail/送受信数に関する制限/English (last edited 2024-03-27 00:45:26 by ToshinoriMaeno)