


When you buy a domain name through Google Domains, name servers:
    Are provided at no extra cost
    Don’t need setup or management

You can also use custom name servers from third-party providers. 
If you do so, before you create custom name servers on Domains, 
you must set up your resource records through your name server provider.

Switch between custom & default name servers

When you registered your domain with Google Domains, you chose the default Google name servers or custom name servers. You can find and change your selection with these steps:

    On your computer, sign in to Google Domains.
    Click the domain name.
    At the top left, click Menu Menu and then DNS.
    At the top of the page, select Default name servers or Custom name servers.
        Your current setting has “(Active)” next to it.
        Under “Name servers,” find your listed name server details.
    Click Switch to these settings.

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MoinQ: DNS/GoogleDomains/name_servers (last edited 2023-06-22 21:35:25 by ToshinoriMaeno)