Describe CurveCP here.
1. CurveCP
D. J. Bernstein 提案の CurveCP 関連の情報です。
To: Subject: curvecpclient+curvecpserver alpha test today's release of NaCl includes command-line curvecpclient and curvecpserver tools. There are many reasons that this curvecpclient+curvecpserver software isn't ready for users yet---among other things, * the software hasn't gone through anywhere near my usual levels of testing and security review; * the software prioritizes simplicity over efficiency in several ways, missing some of the speed that CurveCP can provide; and * the software handles only CurveCP, without HTTPCurve, SMTPCurve, etc. --- but if you're a programmer interested in CurveCP then I think this software is a reasonable starting point for experimentation and further development.
install necessary packages (as a root) daemontools gnupg
gnupg を要求するところで中止だ。
I guess I should comment in more detail on the interaction between DNSCurve keys and CurveCP keys in DNS.